Golden_HVAC wrote:
The dealer is wrong. The police can not pull you over just to see if you have working brakes or a battery on your trailer. Even if they pull you over for speeding, they have no reason to ask if your brakes are working on the trailer./snip/
Good luck!
Wow! Fred, being from California, I'm surprised at your statement. If a LEO looks at your trailer and notices it's not hooked up correctly, it's certainly his prerogative, even his responsibility, to stop you and check it out. Whether you get a ticket or not is up to the officer. I've stopped many trailers and cited for incorrect equipment, inadequate chains, etc. etc.
To the depends on your State's requirement. The fact that the trailer HAS BRAKES indicates the mfg felt it was a safety issue. Given the cost of the braking system, they certainly wouldn't put it on if they didn't have to. Remember too, as a SAFETY issue, just because it's not required in your home State doesn't make it legal in other ones....Dennis