Sep-05-2014 06:42 AM
Sep-20-2014 12:00 PM
Sep-19-2014 02:11 PM
Sep-16-2014 09:01 AM
Sep-06-2014 08:12 PM
Sep-06-2014 12:20 PM
Sep-06-2014 11:54 AM
Sep-05-2014 12:25 PM
Sep-05-2014 10:32 AM
NYCgrrl wrote:pk1023 wrote:I think it can but it'll require doing some forensic acctng basics first. Certainly an average will be necessary since some will not provide accurate information.darsben wrote:
Time value of money comes into play making the trade worth less to the dealer at this time.
How will you figure that into the equation?
That's the thing, you can't estimate that. I just finished Strategic Accounting for my MBA and I saw many formulas that tried to assign present value versus future returns.
I don't think it can be done here.
Sep-05-2014 09:06 AM
pk1023 wrote:I think it can but it'll require doing some forensic acctng basics first. Certainly an average will be necessary since some will not provide accurate information.darsben wrote:
Time value of money comes into play making the trade worth less to the dealer at this time.
How will you figure that into the equation?
That's the thing, you can't estimate that. I just finished Strategic Accounting for my MBA and I saw many formulas that tried to assign present value versus future returns.
I don't think it can be done here.
Sep-05-2014 08:23 AM
Sep-05-2014 08:12 AM
darsben wrote:
Time value of money comes into play making the trade worth less to the dealer at this time.
How will you figure that into the equation?
Sep-05-2014 07:52 AM
Sep-05-2014 07:10 AM
Sep-05-2014 07:00 AM