GoPackGo wrote:
I don't use wood. Wood is heavy, supports rot, mold and mildew, absorbs water, dirt, etc. But it does make great camp fires.
I don't know about where you live, but around here the electricity runs through lines along the road, those lines are supported by wooden poles sunk a few feet in the ground.
The fences around here are strung along a series of wooden poles sunk a few feet in the ground too.
Both of those types of posts seem to last a good long number of years, even being buried in the earth 24/7, 365 days a year.
I couldn't imagine using jack pads long enough to equal that durability, even though my jack pads sit up on the surface, not buried down in the earth.
As for heavy, my coach weighs about 20k pounds, the jack pads weigh less than 10 pounds each, I have 6 of them so I can double up when needed on 2 low points. So maybe 50 or 60 pounds.
Gas weighs about 6.3 pounds per gallon. Water weighs about 8.3 pounds per gallon.
I'm pretty sure in the grander scheme of things, my jack pads, 9.5 gallons of gas, or 7.2 gallons of water isn't going to be noticeable regardless.
But to each their own.