Forum Discussion

jhelfrich's avatar
Apr 20, 2014

Leaking RV Water Faucet

My water faucet where it connects to the camper leaks no matter what hose I attach to it. I also bought some sort of male/female thingy which attached to the hose hook up on camper so now I hook the hose to that but where the male/female thingy attached to the camper hose hook up still leaks.

I have been reading about hoses and washers does I looked in the hose outlet on my camper but I don't think there is a washer to be replaced. Is there one there? Oh I have also used the plumbers tape around the threads of the hose hook up as well.

So, besides my hose not being attached to my camper tight enough which I don't think is the problem what else could be the issue?

Please provide suggestions my RVing brilliant minds.
  • I keep a few hose washers in my RV. Like others said, they do wear out.
  • I fill an old prescription bottle with hose washers and keep them in the MH. I will replace all washers first of each camping season. Buy at Wally world, Lowes, HOme Depot, etc. they are really cheap.
  • jhelfrich wrote:
    .... I looked in the hose outlet on my camper but I don't think there is a washer to be replaced. ....
    If you don't have one like in the picture then you need to add one. If you do have one, it needs replacing.
    Old-Biscuit wrote:
  • Other problem could be that the hose end is slightly bent (out of round. ) Maybe you stepped on it? Have you tried a different hose?
  • Look in the female end of the hose for the washer. They're usually black or an orange - red color, but they could be anything. If there's one there, take it out and put in a new one. If there isn't one, then that's your main leakage problem. Go into any hardware store and go to the hose section. There will be several different types of washers. Usually the only difference is the more expensive ones are made of rubber, or a better grade of rubber and will last longer. Even the good ones are still cheap. If there is a washer, and it's hard to get out, make sure you get it out somehow - use a screwdriver. Don't put a second washer in on top of another one.

  • If you are talking about the 'city water' connection on side of rv where you hook up a hose.......

    There should be a garden hose washer WITH a screen

    The screen keeps junk from clogging up the check valve that is inside the 'city water' connection.

    You can get them at any hardware store......even at an rv parts store.

    Without it you will not seal (leak) and crud can enter your plumbing system
  • And those washers DO wear out. They are cheap, if it is there, replace it. You can probably get a bag of 12 for a buck.
  • Should be a washer on the water connection otherwise it will always leak.