I should clarify boondocking - I love to go to places that are not campgrounds and stay overnight. Campgrounds are not always present, and if they are they often don't have any facilities in Idaho. Places without campgrounds and sometimes the most amazing spots! I don't like the idea of being tied to campground hookups like an umbilical cord. I wanna go where I wanna go.
I want 4wd largely for the handling on bad roads and for the clearance. I don't think it's fun to 4wd trails simply because they are difficult to drive. I want to get there so I can get out of the car and have fun exploring the nature. I will try to avoid bad weather driving, but in the mountains sometimes it sneaks up on you.
I do have a regular job though so most of the use will be just for a few days. Currently I have a month off, but that is highly unusual! I'm not planning on living off the grid for long periods of time, though the idea is exciting.
I would like to take showers because Tim's idea of fun (and mine once I get back into shape) is to run a 10-15 mile mountain trail in the morning. So although usually I wouldn't mind not showering on a camping trip - when you are all sticky and salty after a long run it's pretty distracting and nothing does the clean up quite like running water.
Does a truck+camper tend to cost more than a Class B or small Class C motorhome? What about maintenance expenses over the years? Would a truck engine require more/less maintenance than an RV engine? A truck camper require less maintenance than a trailer since there's no drive train?
Steve - were you snow camping in a T@B - I did a search on that and it seemed people had trouble staying warm? I want to at least be able to handle lows in the 0 range - although -10 would be a safer bet.
Do people have trouble with their trailers being stolen when left unattended? That is a lot of money if anyone with a hitch could just pull it away while we are out exploring.
RFRYER - Did you mean 4wd RV? so you've tried a 4wd RV, pickup with camper and a travel trailer?
The more I think about it the more I'm loving the truck camper idea - but worried about the year long cost of owing another vehicle.
Since trucks are expensive - do you think it's better to have a vacation truck and conserve the miles on it so that it will last longer by using a separate town commuter vehicle? Or just use the truck for commuting and replace it when it's used up? I commute about 92m/week - Tim commutes about 190m/week.
It feels wasteful driving a truck for short trips around town, but Tim says that they are getting better gas mileage these days.