Once we find a place to camp with the travel trailer, we go to the trailheads with just the truck. Have been to more than one trailhead that there is no way you would want to bring a truck camper into ..... unless you didn't like your camper very much. Think any combination of Narrow (where we have folded in the mirrors), Rocky "roads" (low range 4x4), that cross (deep) Streams, with low overhanging Trees (not branches, but trees that have partly blown down...yes, we try to remember a chain saw). On more than one trip, our buddies with a truck camper have said to us "you drive so we don't have to drag our camper in there".
But there are times when a truck camper would be nice as when we want to drive into a special place for a quick day hike, we have to drop off the trailer. And, of course, a trailer does limit us somewhat in where we can camp. But then you can always bring along a tent (we do) or sleep in truck canopy (we do) for those more extended trips away from the trailer.
It sure would be nice to have an inflatable RV that you can just blow up when it's time to camp. But until then, every RV is just a compromise.
Good luck and don't forget to let us know what you get,