That's the good and bad of getting started in the hobby/ lifestyle. There is such a diversity in the gear and how/ where we each use it that it is mind boggling.
Some use them for travel, others park them in a site forever and use them like cabins.
Some like to park in resorts where they are stacked like a cord of firewood and can barely open their awning, We prefer out in the middle of no where, we see no one and our clearings are usually a few acres at least.
Some like the rustic experience with tiny campers, others like monster rigs with every luxury you can imagine.
Lastly, some just camp a few times a year, others send half the year in nicer climates or even live full time in their rigs.
For each of those extremes there are a million possibilities in between. No one has it right or wrong, it is what works for them and all that matters is they have a good time doing it.
So how do you envision yourself going about this, in what and where?