smthbros wrote:
eHoefler wrote:
When you turn the oven on and to a temperature, the pilot flame increases, then it will warm up the thermocouple, when the thermocouple comes up to temp, it will open the main gas valve to the burner. The time it will take depends on temperature the thermocouple starts at and altitude you are at. The thermocouple is a non electric device that is filled with freon, when heated it will build pressure and press on a button in the main gas valve.
A thermocouple is an electrical device. What you have described is a vapor bulb.
You are correct Smthbros.. I used to think it was a vapor tube. It's not. it's a Thermocouple Generates a bit of current/voltage (about .480 volts and however much current the solenoid latching coil sucks at that voltage don't ask I've never measured).
The valve in the control valve is a magnetic latching normally closed valve. You push the button and the valve opens (or whatever you need to do to light) Light up and hold the button till the thermocouple is up to temp, voltage and current. then the current flowing "Latches" the valve open.. The magnet is not strong enough to open the valve as that takes many many times more 'Strength" than to hold it once manually opened.