Nov-30-2017 04:00 PM
Feb-06-2018 06:06 AM
Feb-05-2018 10:04 AM
Dec-31-2017 08:30 PM
2gypsies wrote:temccarthy1 wrote:
I am of a different philosophy-- Plan way out in advance and make the trip the best experience we can.
We full-timed and traveled constantly for 16 years. If we would have had to make reservations we would have never done it. We, too, stay at public parks - national, national forests, etc. We've never had a problem getting a site, Yellowstone, Glacier, Grand Canyon, etc. - even the whole summer in Alaska.
I'm curious... what would you do if on day 3 you had a breakdown or an illness? How would you catch up with your future reservations?
Dec-30-2017 07:17 PM
temccarthy1 wrote:
I am of a different philosophy-- Plan way out in advance and make the trip the best experience we can.
Dec-30-2017 03:38 PM
Dec-30-2017 06:39 AM
Dec-19-2017 05:06 PM
Dec-13-2017 08:22 AM
Dec-05-2017 05:00 PM
Dec-05-2017 06:08 AM
Dec-04-2017 10:40 AM
Dec-03-2017 03:51 PM
Dec-02-2017 08:20 AM
papagramx4 wrote:
We are a retired couple and we are new to RVing... 2 months ago we got a 35 ft 2005 Class A Winnebago Voyage. We took two short 5 day trips within 100 miles of home, getting the feel of driving and living in "Queenie". (named by hubby).
We are planning a 3 - 4 week trip near the end of January. We live in southwestern PA, and will be heading near Charleston SC for about 4 days for a family visit. Then we want to head toward Florida panhandle for 7 - 10 days. I will be making reservations once we decide on where we want to stay. Once we leave FL, we plan on a meandering trip back toward home, stopping for a few nights at different places along the way.
NOW COMES THE CONFUSION... and I would appreciate advice from seasoned travelers.....HOW FAR AHEAD DO WE MAKE RESERVATIONS?
Do we plan a very structured trip route, making reservations ahead, OR to we take our chances on vacancies when we get to an area we find interesting?
PLEASE .. any advice will be appreciated!!!
Dec-01-2017 08:12 PM