wopachop wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
wopachop wrote:
stargirl96 wrote:
Do any of you use a pressure washer to clean your RV? Is it harsh on the finish and decals?
Driving in the rain at freeway speeds is much harsher than a pressure washer spray from 1 foot away.
I'll say not even close on this one.
That water is coming out at a lot more than 70 mph, lol.
Think about it, a 2500psi + pressure washer. Pretty much any model with a gas engine will peel your skin off with a narrow angle tip, instantly.
But you could drive with your head out the window in the rain and it'll just sting. (Wear glasses if yur gonna try this, lol)
Ive ridden motorcycles in the rain. Doing 30....40...50mph those droplets hurt!! I also have a gas pressure washer and use it all the time. From 1 foot away the blast is mostly air and mist. Very gentle and doesnt hurt.
I think it comes down to the mass of the water droplets.
Please don't let your lack of understanding of the definition of pressure or your own pressure washers malfunction lull you into thinking pressure washers aren't potentially dangerous tools.