Your financial institution is the only security you really need worry about and if they are doing the login process correctly you will have no worries.
For security your bank (s) need to have a telephone number from you. When you attempt to log in it will not let you in to the system until it has sent you an sms or voice message with a ONE TIME code, like a 5 digit number.
Then you must input that number into the login screen on your computer then and only then will it allow you into your accounts.
While this system is not perfect it is far better than the simple password login system.
And keep in mind most financial information is not hacked over wifi. It is obtained by hacking the large commercial centers that store your credit card numbers.
In the example I show above you never type you account number and it is secure on your banks system. Your much more likley to lose money by stores being hacked like Target or Barnes and Noble.