Also, do not neglect manually initiating a lint-cleaning procedure (as recommended by Splendide) to prevent the dryer air duct from clogging:
Obtained in 2011 from Splendide’s Technical operation, Westland Sales in Oregon 800-356-0766 (#5), or 503-656-2280 (#5) technician San Saechao
PROCEDURE FOR CLEARING LINT FROM MACHINE’S INTERIOR DUCT1. Run the unit, without clothes, and with the dry time off, on cycle #11.
2. When the water stops entering the unit push, and hold the start
button until all the lights come on, then release the button.
3. Next, move the cycle knob to cycle # 2 and press the start button
once (do not hold). The unit will resume filling with additional water.
4. Let it run through that complete cycle.
5. Do this twice.
If in frequent use, do this once each month to avoid buildup.
If the above treatment fails, try it again, adding a cup of white vinegar to break down the deposited soap and fabric softener.
FALL BACK PROCEDURE IF THE ABOVE PROCEDURE FAILS1. Pull the unit out and remove flexible exhaust duct.
2. Pick out as much lint as you can from the air outlet on the back of
the dryer.
3. Put a garden hose in the outlet and blow the blockage into the
4. Run the washer on a short cycle. The blockage breaks up and
goes out the drain.
2016 AF 29-5K; 2016 F350 6.7, 4x4, CCLB DRW