NCWriter wrote:
That way you'll not only see where the best recent diesel prices are
I have found a real problem with the GasBuddy App. It relates to price reporting.
Over the past three months I've seen about two dozen Murphy USA/ Walmart stations closed. They were rebuilding / upgrading the stations. This is in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas.
In the Dallas/Plano are I've seen several Racetrack stations closed for rebuilds/ upgrades.
Yet all these stations were reported in GasBuddy as having recent fuel price updates - within the past six hours.
After some complaints to GasBuddy, and even getting so far as to talk to a real person in their customer service staff - this is what happens.
A company like Murphy USA or RaceTrack or Exxon or such will send out their daily price change to their various stations.
And they have a program which goes out to GasBuddy and updates the fuel prices at all their stations.
Having been in corporate IT dealing with in-store systems and price updates - I understand the technical reasons that stores which are not actually in operation/ open get price updates.
So what we are seeing on GasBuddy likely more than half the time are messages from the corporate HQ reporting the latest prices - disguised by GasBuddy as reports from customers.