โJul-28-2016 04:06 PM
โAug-02-2016 01:09 PM
โAug-02-2016 12:35 PM
โJul-31-2016 08:16 AM
PawPaw_n_Gram wrote:NCWriter wrote:
That way you'll not only see where the best recent diesel prices are
I have found a real problem with the GasBuddy App. It relates to price reporting.
Over the past three months I've seen about two dozen Murphy USA/ Walmart stations closed. They were rebuilding / upgrading the stations. This is in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas.
In the Dallas/Plano are I've seen several Racetrack stations closed for rebuilds/ upgrades.
Yet all these stations were reported in GasBuddy as having recent fuel price updates - within the past six hours.
After some complaints to GasBuddy, and even getting so far as to talk to a real person in their customer service staff - this is what happens.
A company like Murphy USA or RaceTrack or Exxon or such will send out their daily price change to their various stations.
And they have a program which goes out to GasBuddy and updates the fuel prices at all their stations.
Having been in corporate IT dealing with in-store systems and price updates - I understand the technical reasons that stores which are not actually in operation/ open get price updates.
So what we are seeing on GasBuddy likely more than half the time are messages from the corporate HQ reporting the latest prices - disguised by GasBuddy as reports from customers.
โJul-30-2016 07:40 PM
โJul-30-2016 10:00 AM
tragusa3 wrote:
We get almost 400 miles on a tank
โJul-30-2016 08:40 AM
โJul-29-2016 07:34 PM
โJul-29-2016 04:41 PM
โJul-29-2016 01:57 PM
โJul-29-2016 12:48 PM
โJul-29-2016 12:19 PM
โJul-29-2016 10:58 AM
โJul-29-2016 10:55 AM
NCWriter wrote:DutchmenSport wrote:
.... I take diesel, and have driven through many normal car gas stations to find out they don't sell diesel. Those are the only ones we've had trouble with.
We stop quite frequently when we travel. A 3 hour drive will take us 8 hours, because we stop so much. Small Mom and Pop stores to mega Wall Marts! Small back road gas stations and restaurants that aren't even listed in a phone book they are so out of the way. ...
Just a suggestion, but during one of your stops (or your passenger can do this while moving on the road) you could plan ahead and use the Gas Buddy app for a cellular-enabled tablet or smart phone. Set Gas Buddy on diesel, and type in either the town where you want fuel up, or just press ""Find fuel near me." Many listings are shown well off the interstates.
That way you'll not only see where the best recent diesel prices are, but you'll also avoid driving through gas-only stations looking for diesel while towing.
โJul-29-2016 10:17 AM
NCWriter wrote:
That way you'll not only see where the best recent diesel prices are