Veik wrote:
beemerphile1 wrote:
I'm curious, you are considering financing an RV at $350 per month for 15 years = $63,000 Since you don't have land to park it there will be storage on top of insurance for another $27,000
My question is, do you also finance (borrow) the money for your current non-RVing vacations?
I couldn't sleep at night if I had to borrow that money and pay those amounts in order to own a depreciating asset.
Maybe a less expensive RV would be in order. Even renting an RV might be an option.
Hopefully you realize that no one can tell you what you will spend on RVing. I had no idea what the cost was when we started and I had been a tent camper for many years. To be honest, I still don't know what the cost is because I don't track the expenses.
yup, vacations go on credit card, credit card paid in full every month, and points earned get rolled into future vacation.
Free stays, free flights, etc.
So you do not finance your vacations currently if you pay the credit card in full monthly. That is also a consideration then as to if you want to take on the debt of an RV.
If you have a less than satisfactory vacation, it is over with and paid for.
If you or anyone finances an RV and then discovers the lifestyle isn't for them/you, the debt is still there for many years.
Many RVs sit unused because people don't want them but can't get rid of them because they are upside down with financing. They have little choice but to continue slogging along making the payments.
This is a true story, a member of my Good Sam chapter has a Monaco Diplomat diesel pusher class A that hasn't left his drive in a couple years but he has a monthly payment in excess of $800. He can't sell it because he owes around $20,000 more than it is worth.