newcomers wrote: The "humless" generator. Supposed to be quiet and can be charged with AC power and then stored. I don't know much about supplemental power, but if I was dry camping and I wanted to keep my computer or electronics charged or the fridge if I ran out of propane. IDK, i am just looking at lots of different things. I looked at genneys, but the one I looked at was way too heavy to pick up and if you want to keep things running while you're gone leaving it in the truck wouldn't make much sense. I was also thinking about it as a backup at home in case of power failures
The humless generator is pretty much like your rig. Charge it at home and it runs things for a time until the battery is depleted. You can add battery to your rig and buy a inverter that will run what you want for much less money.
When we do use our generator it is for one of three things. Run the AC, run the Microwave or charge our battery. The first two are direct things that if the generator is running we can use those. The battery runs everything else in between generator runs. How much battery you need depends on how much power you use.
As far as weight goes, anything that has a deep cycle and a larger inverter in it is going to weigh as much as a Champion 3100i (70 lbs) that will run your AC. Smaller units that can be combined weight less and are easier to move around individually.
Three years ago I was at the point you are now. Even though we had been camping for decades, tents don't use power and our biggest concern was if the ice melted. I spent the first winter researching generators, over a year setting up the solar and batteries and am still deciding on a larger inverter. This is the first year it has all come together and it is wonderful.