You got to experiment to find out what YOUR needs are.
Boondocking 90% of our water use is toilets.
Bathing when boondocking we use disposable hospital wipes, much bigger and thicker than the little packaged finger wipes. Not quite as good feeling as a real shower but quite satisfactory. I've got short hair (what hair I have left), DW has pixie-cut shortish hair, so one wipe for the body and another for the 'shampoo' works good.
No dinnerware to wash, we use only paper plates & bowls, plastic or bamboo utensils. When we're out in the RV we're on vacation, neither of us want to spend any more time than absolutely necessary washing dishes. The only washables we use are the coffee mugs, DW's wine glass and my Scotch/Irish/Bourbon glass (all unbreakable plastic very thoughtfully provided by our dinosaur friends from ages ago).
Cooking is one-pot, over a fire/grill or microwave.
Get out there and do it. You'll do just fine.