I sometimes travel alone for a few days at a time. I lack mechanical aptitude, but have a wonderful local dealer who doesn't mind a phone call.
1. I keep in touch. I call or text a family member with my route and destination before hitting the road, and let them know when I've landed. Also make sure they know the name of the CG.
2. I like to know my route and stops (and expected road construction) before starting the engine. Driving alone with no navigator, I don't like surprises.
3. Lots of folks have safety concerns. Basically, it comes down to not making yourself the easiest target. I wouldn't stay anywhere that I didn't feel comfortable. I keep the doors locked whether I'm home or not (a habit I grew up with). Loners are perceived to be easy targets, so I don't strike out alone -- not on foot, on a bike, or boondocking. I keep a charged phone by my bed (to check weather on smart phone), check the local weather each morning and night, and pay close attention to my tires and my fuel gauge. RVing in flash flood and tornado country, I stay well above creek bottoms and dry washes, and ask about storm shelters at check-in.
Wishing you a happy adventure and wonderful memories!!