Forum Discussion

CarolynandBob's avatar
Nov 27, 2016

2016 Wrangler Baseplate Options

I tried searching but couldn't find.

Is there a better base plate for a roadmaster falcon 2 tow bar for a 2016 Stock Wrangler? The roadmaster one is ugly. I have the falcon 2 from when I towed my 2004 wrangler. (still have those baseplates)

I am looking for something that will tuck up under the bumper.

Also, when I was looking up a wiring harness, the jeep one seams to be plug and play but people said you have to have power to the number 7 pin. That is fine but what they don't tell you is how to get power there if it doesn't have it. Anyone know?

Any help would be appreciated.
  • I second the Currie Enterprises baseplate.

    Used the CoolTech wiring harness as well.
  • I used bluox on last two wranglers. I did coat the last one with bed liner spray.Looks better an easy touchup

    Light harness Mopar Part#82211156AB. I like it. Don't forget hooking ground up. Will not work
  • CarolynandBob wrote:
    Never mind about the base plate. I went with this one. Currie Enterprises CE-9033JK Enterprises Tow Bar Mounting Plate for 07-17 Jeep

    If anyone know about the harness would be great.

    The one that many of us Jeepers have used is the Hopkins part number 56200. There's no "powering up" of any pins or anything like that. It's a simple plug and play unit. It's all done at the rear and, all you do then is, run the four wires through the frame, all the way up to the front of the jeep where you then tie them into the female plug for the umbilical from the coach. Done!
  • Blue Ox I have used their baseplate and tow bar system on six different Wranglers. They work great and the baseplate is practically invisible.
  • Never mind about the base plate. I went with this one. Currie Enterprises CE-9033JK Enterprises Tow Bar Mounting Plate for 07-17 Jeep

    If anyone know about the harness would be great.