ExxWhy wrote:
6door74 wrote:
This cars/road argument...makes no sense really.
Let me try to explain it again. If you ban cars, you will save 40K lives per year at the unknown cost of whatever that would do to the economy.
If we ban leaving our homes, we can save an unknown number of people from Wuhan virus, at the unknown cost to the economy.
They are both choices. Which lives are most important?
"Explaining" it doesn't make any less ridiculous. But who am I? I'll let the professionals answer it...
“First of all, I think that’s a false equivalency to compare traffic accidents with (coronavirus) — that’s totally way out,” said Fauci. “When you have something new and it’s emerging, and you really can’t predict totally the impact it’s going to have, and you take a look at what’s gone on in China and you see what’s going on right now — right now — in Italy, and what’s happening in New York City, I don’t think with any moral conscience you can say, ‘Why don’t we just let it rip and happen and let ‘x’ percent of the people die.' I don’t understand that reasoning at all.”