rexlion wrote:
CBS just showed a guy who died, not from the virus, but because of his heart, after his elective heart surgery was canceled. If we hadn't reacted so strongly to the virus, he might be alive now instead.
People forget about 'the law of unintended consequences.'
Unintended consequences of what? In the NY State the hospitals are filling up. Patients with Covid are not receiving any care unless there symptoms are severe. In fact patients cannot even get tested without severe symptoms. They are being told to return home and self isolate. Patients with other conditions are indeed also only getting care when the needs are immediate.
So what is the solution? Just send all Covid patients home and let them take their chances. Without vents and intensive care, we know the results. The death rate will be in the range of 5%. With no controls and no care that would mean 5 million agonizing deaths in the US.