jdc1 wrote:
Here's the math for the non-believers:
1 person infects three people while camping. Those three people each infect three others. Those 9 people each infect three others. Those 27 people each infect three others. Those 81 people each infect three others. Those 243 people each infect three others. Those 729 people each infect three others. Those 2,187 people each infect three others. That's 6,561 people infected in 8 days because one guy doesn't want to follow simple rules.
Oh. Out of the 6,562 infected people.....66 (1%) end up dying because the rules didn't suit him. Are you going to be one of the 66 dead people?
That makes a nice theoretical story but fortunately that rate of spread and death rate don't match reality. If you really believe it does, no wonder some of you are so outraged at those who would question authority.