goducks10 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
shelbyfv wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
Good news it's April and the virus should be forgotten about.
It was over by Easter, right? I don't know why we are still screwing around at home two weeks later. Let's get out and paarr-teee!!!
I will guess you are trying to be a S A and that's fine. Fact is there were several States ready to roll on Easter.
Which ones?
For one South dakota.
"The New York Times reports that, as of 2 April, a small group of states – Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota – had no known lockdown orders in place. All of these states have Republican gove?rnors".
All the states you list have peak death rates well after my Dem state. We hit peak death today.
Your red states are lagging behind.
Arkansa peak death in 14 days
Iowa---- 19 day
Nebraska-- 13 days
ND ----17 days
SD-----22 days
How were they ready to roll on Easter when they're still not peaked yet?
There are no credible doctors or scientists that think the reopening of the sates is a prudent idea . The idea that you go back to "normal" is truly idiotic.
Although people are pissed about the hunkering down most will listen to logic and those that won't will join the statistics.