Dry weight number is of little value unless you only tow the trailer with nothing in it.
GVWR is just a number you should not exceed but without actual scale weight there is no way to know the real tire loads.
The reality is that over half of RVs that have been weighed discover they have one or more tires or axle in overload. This may be due to just having too much stuff in the RV or the load not being evenly distributed. Individual tires do not care if the tire on the other end of the axle is underloaded by 10% if the tire we are looking at is 5% overloaded.
It is suggested that tire load capacity be at least 15% above the measured scale weight for every tire.
Tires on trailers should be run at the tire sidewall inflation to lower the belt Interply ShearInterply Shear force that is trying to tear the belts apart.