Grit dog wrote:
DiskDoctr wrote:
We get very little family time for camping and Summer is our time. No way do we want to think about school starting yet! :E :(
You're on the wrong site bud! This is, lol.
I hear ya. "Summer" was about 3 weeks this year. Kids out June 27 (thanks stupid re tarded Washington public schools for your ever worse schedules). Got a 5 day camping trip, week of nothing , followed by a week vacation with the inlaws (barf.....but it was fun for the kids to hang with their cousins) and now football and soccer are in full swing. 9 practices a week between 2 kids M-F. 2 soccer tournaments between now and end of August ( that start on Friday's because apparently people don't need to work up here....) and Fball jamboree last weekend in Aug. school starts thurs before Labor Day!
And the hockey coach is bugging me for one of them to "make it to the practices he can this summer even though I said it's ok that he won't skate w the team until football is over ".....
Hard to find time to find time to spend a the kids!
I like that!!! yeah sorry, I do remember having to time vacation and kids being out of school and sports and all that. I am retired, wife is retired, kids rarely go camping with us so this is OUR time together to reflect. Had new neighbors buy the house next to us and they have a fairly new born, a two year old and a four year old, we are also a block from the elementary school! We like to camp Monday thru Friday to get away from all the craziness!
Its crazy that 25 years ago we moved in here with young kids,, now we are the old folks and watch in amazement the new young families juggling their lives to take care of there families! We feel we earned that badge and have three kids that are leading their own lives now busy with their careers and contemplating starting a family! (No grand kids yet). So for us,, we enjoy OUR time.