You want to end up with a level trailer when hooked up and bars properly tensioned.
Have you set the trailer on the ball yet or is this the pre-check during installation?
Step 8 of the installation (trailer pitch adjustment) calls out moving the ball up if the trailer pitches down when everything is hooked up and properly tensioned... The starting point is to set the ball and coupler height aligned. Conversely, if the trailer pitches up, then lower the ball and go through everything again.
So I would go through the setup and see if it is OK in the end. But the 3/4 ton does sit higher and has stiffer springs than an F-150, so odds are you will end up with a nose-up trailer (or very lightly tensioned bars), and will need a new shank.
Was (update coming soon):
TV: '01 Yukon XL 3/4 Ton 4WD 8.1L 3.73 prodigy
TT: Still renting
Last Rental: Thor 27' Front Kitchen w/Super Slide