rrev wrote:
I'm talking about the 1/4 inch one "on the trailer"
Wow... OK something is not right.
Does your coupler look like this? If not, please post as this is a new problem I have not heard of.

That is a common ball coupler on many TT's.
The inside looks like this. There are no adjustable parts. This pic is the fully locked position
Unlatched. The 1/4" pin will not go in

Latched. The 1/4" pin will go in

I cannot 100% remember, I will have to test this today but I "thought" you could only put the 1/4" pin in when the coupler is fully latched. Meaning as you slide the latch forward, the pin hole will only open up fully when the latch is locked. If you are using a full 1/4" lock, well something is really not right with your coupler. This could be a real issue when towing.
Let us know what style/brand coupler you have. Pics would be great! Your camper is way to heavy and too new to have the real old style couplers that you can adjust the back side ball seat.
This one is a good learning post. Let us help you work through this so we can both learn.
Do you feel any, chucking, clunking or slop when you start or stop?
Do you (and can you) hitch the camper to the truck and then raise the tongue jack when hooking up and you lift both the truck and the camper way up high to put the WD bars on? If the coupler is not fully locking, this method/test should help uncouple the system. This is close to a drag test on a 5'er.
Have you bent just the 1 lock or several? Even 1 bent one is an issue. Has this happened since the camper was new?
Hope this helps