SoundGuy wrote:
2012Coleman wrote:
Pumping macerated poop into containers through a hose isn't my forte, and I don't have to lug all that stuff around and clean it up after use. :R
OK, I'll bite ... all WHAT stuff? - all I have is the macerator that bayonets directly on to the trailer's waste outlet where I also have 12 vdc power, a length of light weight garden hose connected to the macerator output instead of a awkward to handle 3" stinky slinky, and a couple of cube shaped Aquatainers that store without wasted space and weigh virtually nothing instead of an awkwardly shaped, hard to store, expensive, and heavy wheeled tote tank. And WHAT cleanup? ... anytime I might off load black water while camping I always follow that with a bit of grey to flush the hose, just as you would with a stinky slinky, and the tanks I simply flush out at the dump station just as you would a tote tank. I've been using this system for 10 yrs now but hey, what do I know? ... I guess I must be missing something that you who apparently has never owned a waste macerator knows all about. :R Thanks for the tip, I'll have to look out for this the next time I use my FloJet. :W
I do
A similar process but use a 25 gallon tote and store. I pump the poop through inch and a half hose and into a 3 inch bayonet adapter to the tote tank in truck. Drive truck dump station and use dump hose/fittings.
How do you dump the aquatainer without getting doused with ??