Bingo, Bingo, Bingo,
Assumption is the Mother of All Screwups.
Where you sit depends upon what you see. Folks can read into anything, and make anything outta nothin".
Keurig Gators picture is no more of a scam than the generator cables. But, if a person doesn't read and comprehend, they might think it was a gator keurig coffee maker and that two generators came with the cable.
But, reading a writing comprehension isn't what it used to be.
Scams out there, but I don't see either the keurig or the Genertor issue a scam if read. Maybe it was wishful thinking.
Read, read, read, throw in a little comprehension and folks may not consider everything a scam.
Both ads are pretty clear. Think reading comprehension.
This Honda RV Adapter Kit & Companion Cable (30-Amp): Designed For EU2000i & EU2 Generators will make your life a breeze being able to now hook up both generators to combine there power and increase peak output. This is only the purchase of the Honda RV Adapter Kit & Companion Cable this does NOT INCLUDE THE GENERATORS OR
"Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic or logical deduction or, informally, "top-down" logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion. Deductive reasoning links premises with conclusions."
The News if full of a lack of "DR" everyday!:h:S
Now I'm Retired!:B