Bucky Badger wrote:
winnietrey wrote:
MrWizard wrote:
if he doesn't correct the price..hes scamming
could be a typo,, but its not even in the bracket
$650 instead of $65..i could understand
$165 is too much..#1650 is ridiculous
he corrected in BOLD to indicate cables only
why did he NOT correct the price ?
and yes people make mistakes
and i hope he is honest and corrects everything
Well, it is not corrected because the ad went off 7 hrs ago. You with all respect, answer none of my concerns. As to your statement it must be a scam. And ignore those aspects, of my post that point to it not being a scam
He had 7 days to correct the price and didn't..why in "Item specifics" would he have filed in all the info on the generator when the generator was not part of the deal? This was a scam, just admit it
Well, we will never know for sure. But one thing I would not argue is, he is not the brightest crayon in the box. And although I am not convinced he is a scammer. He is not someone I would feel at ease buying from