okay, update on trailer issue.. truck was giving "trailer wiring fault" error and if i touched brake controller, I got no trailer. error appeared sometime (not immediately) after I had the breakaway replaced. Did have to drive off the road to go around a tree down on way home last trip before error appeared.
Took trailer to local trailer shop (not RV shop but a commercial trailer repair shop). Less than an hour after leaving it, I got a call, they had jacked up each wheel tested the brake with power and tested the breakaway and found nothing wrong. couldn't get it to not work on any wheel. Mid afternoon, I went to pick up thinking I would have to take truck to Ford dealer for computer analysis. Mechanic jacked up and demonstrated braking and breakaway for one wheel. I then plugged my truck in to check with my truck and NO ERROR.. everything worked like it should. Trailer shop exorcised a gremlin. No real clue as to what problem was, unless the jacking up and down wiggled something. Drove home and parked trailer with no lack of connection.
anyhow, I am good now.. still don't know what happened, but happy I didn't expend tons of money chasing a gremlin and that I get to take the trailer out next weekend, since I missed last weekend due to concern over brakes.