rjstractor wrote:
This has been probably one of the most debated questions on this forum. My only comment is that there are many supplemental braking options out there besides the Brake Buddy, so no, you do not need a Brake Buddy.
My thoughts exactly. The debate over whether or not you should or are legally required to have a supplemental braking system will rage on forever. However, NOWHERE does ANY law anywhere say you have to specifically have a brake buddy system. There are several other systems that work just as good and better in some cases, and cost a lot less.
Personally, I don't want to have to install and remove a box/device in front of the driver seat whenever I hitch up and unhitch. Way too much PITA there, and you are likely every now and then to just not hook it up (and Murphy's law guarantees that'll be the time you get in a panic stop situation on the road and will wish you had it). Much prefer a system that stays installed and ready to go, and is just a matter of hooking up a connection or two.