Yes, the pay is the same regardless. I mention it so that people that are offered a "position" make sure which type of position is being offered. We made the mistake once on thinking it would be 20 hours a week, and it turned out to be 40 hours a week.
Regular volunteers work 40 hours for a free campsite. Yes, a total of 40 hours a week of work for a free campsite. A couple living in the same RV on the free site, can split the total for example: Each person in a couple can work 20 hours.
Campground hosts work 20 hours per week for a free campsite. Campground hosts work 20 hours or 1/2 the hours of a non-host volunteers.
Why? I haven't the faintest idea. I did not make the policy, just experienced it. Maybe to make up for the times a host has to go out in the middle of the night for some type of disturbance?
I do know that the demand for these positions is so great that the volunteer coordinators have all the power. If you don't want to clean bathrooms, no problem, they will go to the next person on the very long list who will. A coordinator once told me she had over 300 applications for the 8 openings she had.
Lots of people have the same idea:"Let's go to Florida for the winter and volunteer to get a free campsite."
That is why we volunteer out of state in the summer, and return to Florida in the winter and just hang around, enjoying the weather.
Hope this helps. Feel fee to PM me if you want any other info.