Pangaea Ron wrote:
We used to monitor it regularly, but tired of the inane and offensive dialogue.
Humorous CB:
years ago, when our group had an annual off-road event, we "caravaned" to Glamis (CA) dunes, and used a prearranged CB channel to stay in contact - distance permitting.
On return - we departed piecemeal - and on trying our selected channel, there was "nobody home" (in range) .....but just as I was about to turn it off, we were passing a scales - with a line of trucks.
Two truckers were talking on "our" channel (not 19), and one was asking his buddy where he could score some dope when they got to Los Angeles.
Picked up the mic and said I was in the "Pete" three trucks back, and my co-driver and I were going to come up there and kick his a** for making truckers look bad!
Resulted in major "back-peddling" transmission/s by the guy/s looking to score, and we were rolling in laughter as we rolled past on the adjoining highway.
The family thing:
The language at times is way, way worse than "bad".
The negatives outweigh the positives!
Vile, foul, vulgar - are better terms.....including a guy (1980's)in San Berdo (when kids were still on trips with us) somewhere close to I-15 (Cajon Pass) who broadcasted his special brand of same - with a (home?) mega-watt linear that could 'walk over' any who commented on his special brand of vitriol. "OFF" was the only solution!
Found same on the other coast also - but none "topped" the I-15 guy!
So - the CB spent trips turned off, then (long ago) took up 'residence' somewhere in a box of stuff I have long ago forgotten about.