Bumpyroad wrote:
mowermech wrote:
Bumpyroad wrote:
mowermech wrote:
Now that the distance limit has been done away with, it is even more versatile. .
please expand on this.
I wish I could, but I think I deleted the email I got from the ARRL discussing the rule changes. I'm pretty sure it wasn't in QST magazine, it was an email: I just checked, it is gone.
It is always possible I did not understand all that I read. Your best bet is to go to the FCC website and check it out.
Keep in mind that for Hams and CBers, in a true emergency situation the rules can be bent or broken as the situation requires.
I found a reference: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2017/04/fcc_reforms_part_95_rules_for_personal_radio_services.aspx
Scroll down to Citizen's Band Radio Service. IIRC, the changes went into effect 1 Sep 17.
I see distance limits are eliminated/extended? but power was not increased. I never knew how far my radio was getting out before but I guess this might affect some antennas??
In the early 1970s, I had a Midland SSB CB in the house, on a regulated power supply, connected to a Starduster Antenna on a 20 foot mast on the roof. The radio had the legal limit of 12 watts PEP. (12 watts output at 100% modulation.) Back then, the HF propagation was really good, and I made a "skip contact" in Australia.
A Moonraker 6 quad beam antenna on 4 or 12 watts will quite literally allow you to talk to the world.