Forum Discussion

TheKunkels's avatar
Jun 11, 2017

Ceiling lights

Hello to all !!
I'm wondering how many of us take the plastic shields off of the 12 volt ceiling lights to keep them from getting too hot. Mine get pretty hot when on for awhile.
Thanks. Bless all †
  • Another vote for LED's. I installed the panel type in the previous TT, the new one has LED's from the factory.
  • Man the prices for LED have dropped! When I replaced the factory lights in a TT about 5 years ago it was about $7 a bulb; nearly $100 to outfit the whole camper. Now for ten bulbs, its $1.80 a bulb. Geez.
  • I bought the 1141 replacements (LED) on Amazon. They are the yellowish color.
    $18.00 for ten bulbs. I am very pleased with these.
  • the OEM lights are usually 11w

    but by the time the RV passes to a second owner
    they have all been replaced with bulbs from the automotive store
    which are a much greater value 15w 18w 22w and much hotter

    yes i melted or otherwise damaged a few covers in previous rvs before i figured that out

    LED conversion can be a good idea, many here have done it, and there are several ways to go about doing it

    flat pac borads, corn on the cob replacements, DIY strips, or buying new ready made led fixtures
    ebay, amazon, rv dealers
  • ^^^^^Yep, that's what I did. The amount of reduced heat is amazing.
  • Change them out to LEDs - heat will be much less as will the battery draw.