SoundGuy wrote:
toedtoes wrote:
There's always an exception, like your nephew's family. However, those exceptions should not dictate the rule.
My my nephew and his wife certainly face extra challenges but I wouldn't say they necessarily represent all that much of an exception - lots of families camp, lots of them camp in tents and popups that take a l-o-n-g time to set up and tear down, certainly much longer that my wife & I do with our travel trailer. JMO, but a check out time any earlier than 1 pm is asking a lot of these folks.
OK. So in that vein, I posted a poll on a camping forum I frequent which has mostly tent campers. I asked them simply what check out time is too early:
10 am and earlier
11 am
1 pm
2 pm and later
I'll post the numbers here (it's not a big forum and folks may take a few weeks to get their votes in).
As I stated before, most of the campgrounds where I camp have tent campers and they normally pack up and go after breakfast. I do not see tent campers struggling to meet the check out times. When I was younger and we tent camped, it was just part of camping - that last morning was for packing up, not hiking, swimming, etc. It was never a big deal for us at either 11 am or 1 pm - mostly because parents were ready to go home by then.