handye9 wrote:
Here's a link to another thread on this subject.
Looking at the post (the link) from March 2014......
Why would anyone want to do that?
(IMO) only -ONLY- if they had an RV that was *difficult* to sell -
which really means poor condition.
There are* consignment outfits that put your RV on their lot, sell it and receive an agreed upon commission.
No hocus pocus - you get your $, the buyer gets the RV. Done deal.
(IMO) *If* someone was looking to BUY from this outfit, they must be in a poor financial situation to buy - which really simply means, no money and/or poor credit, etc.
Sooooooo - (IMO) sure looks like a Run, Forest Run!!..:(
Buyer - Seller - Beware..:R
And the thread starter has one post!? "Stock" in the company?..:h