There is a county in Alabama not to far from Weiss Lake, that made a fortune on speeding tickets. I have forgotten the targeted roads but it was practiced all over the county. The judge even had a charge card machine set up in the court to handle the heavy load. Not many challenged, when you had to post a heavy bond. The court room was full and lines out the doors. Speeding? one mile over or not. In Va one Patrolman would ticket every Mercedes or other foreign car but not US made vehicles.In Tn I remember too many to post here instances of small towns expanding their city limits to include small stretches of Interstate Police and Sheriff's Departments, expanding their limits,for the revenue until the State stopped them. In Tn we have some great Law Enforcement and they don't stand for such stuff. I am not aware of any instances right now...but all Law Enforcement agencies work the Interstates and some other roads for the rewards of catching drug runners and those with large amounts of cash,theorized to come from unlawful sources. I tried to get this Un Constitutional stuff stopped but Last Dept of Safety, and various and several counties and Lawmakers from those Counties and cities killed it. I hope they catch every dope dealer and drug cartel runner but Asset Forfeiture Laws are not American not moral or Constitutional. The infamoussI40 stretch seemed vacant the last time through there.
Speeding or going strictly the speed limit , or too slow, raises suspicion and a stop just about everywhere.
I have a few speeding tickets over the years, and they do target youngsters or did.
Going to Church a Trooper, now deceased kept on our bumper with bright lights on and we felt endangered, and sped around a few cars to put some distance between us. Got a ticket for speeding.
Our little AMG on the way to VA in 2011, cruising with the traffic, al semis.Coming out of a construction zone that had not been working for weeks, a black BMW or Audi passed me and the semis,in the far left lane, I was in the middle. I got a ticket and 4 points for someone else's offense. 129.00 Most of which is Court Charges. Tickets use to be 2.00 until the County Court Clerks Association lobbied the Legislature 30 years ago. And no the Legislature won't get rid of it. Next time you have occasion to visit a Judges chamber or courtroom enjoy the walnut paneling etc traffic tickets pay for.
County didn't write tickets! If they stopped you they talked to you or you went to jail, such as DUIs. That is the way it should be.
Mom's Uncle Jim, I doubt he ever wrote a traffic ticket. he brought my Uncle home a number of times for driving a coal truck when he was only nine one time. He had to jump down and hit the gas or brake and back up and sat on a crate on the seat to steer.
Given enough time and space I can write a book on the several states around us and beyond on traffic tickets as part of some county or city budgets.