jplante4 wrote:
I'm getting a kick out of the posts recommending a court fight. If the police are crooked enough to write bogus tickets, what makes you think their brother-in-law the judge will be any less crooked?
They are the other people who have not been the scoundrels that us traffic law breakers are. Or they would know better.
Local speed trap town (hint, it’s the town in my “location”, Don’t speed in Black Diamond, outwardly tells offenders. Show up to court and get it reduced to a local infraction.
Then the city doesn’t have to share the revenue with the State. They just line up all the speeders every day in court and rubber stamp the speeding tickets down to a local inanttentive driving infraction with no points and you pay your “city street toll” and move on with life.
Can’t believe, the cop actually let my wife off, no ticket, when she got pulled over. Probably because she is hot and driving a cool car....
I wasn’t as lucky. Ugly and pickup truck.....