puttd wrote:
I have a disability not necessarily obvious on some days, use a placard, and anyone who yells at me is engaging in disorderly conduct and possibly assault, and is not protecting handicapped rights, which includes my right to live in peace. If you yell at me like a crazy person, I will call the police and I will press charges.
And as for the "obvious" violations. People would think that of my mother, driving the international that was my parents tow vehicle. She would often have people come huffing in her direction, until she'd drop the walker out the driver's side, lower herself down, and head into Kmart. Someone bench pressing 250 might have problems with their legs. And news flash, disabled people go the the gym. On doctor's orders, in many instances. So, unless you are being a creepy stalker guy following someone around you don't really know.
And, I look perfectly fine. My legs last only so long. I have literally put my hip out because I couldn't handle the wait in line at wally world and ended up in bed for a week. Hopped out of the store on one leg gripping the cart because I could put no weight on the bad hip. Was glad the car wasn't parked in the hinterlands
Lol. I would like to watch your mother in action. You are right though. I'm 60 and kick butt all day long working around the house and on my RV. Only problem is every now and then my right hip will sort of give out and it has at times made me feel as if I'm about to collapse. My buddy had the same issue and ended up with a hip replacement. Its like being young and complaining about old people, someday you will be one. Well in this case someday we may be hanging a handicapped tag on the mirror too! They should be careful as Murphy may dish it up sooner rather than later.