loulou57 wrote:
Bumpyroad wrote:
loulou57 wrote:
It is illegal for anyone, a security person, parking attendant or even a police officer to ask me why I have a permit and demand an answer. ?
In the states, or state, you also have a billfold card that you might have to show showing person and disability involved if requested by a LEO. But to anybody asking me why, my first question to them is "are you an orthopedic surgeon? " unless their answer is yes, I am a tad bit rude to them. and MYOB is not it, more like GFY.
Sorry what exactly does the billfold card say? Does it identify your condition? We do not have to disclose the identity to anyone if asked. Our privacy act covers that. My friend had a 15 minute discussion with a police officer demanding to know her condition. Finally he called his superior and got quite the mouthful on the radio for all to hear, informing him it was none of his business. He then apologised.
In the great state of Arkansas it is on your driver's lic. If you are using a hanging permit the officer will check your lic. and make sure that you are legal. Same with tags. If you are driving a veh with hc tags and park in a hc spot they can check your driver's lic..