To many posters here: I thought the OP asked a fun question- and so many of the responses are sooooo serious.
To this post below:
BizmarksMom wrote:
I get the "for the price of that trailer you can get hotel rooms!" comment every so often. I happen to love my rolling apartment. I wake up in my own bed. Use my own bathroom. The kitchen is stocked with the stuff I like. When it gets kind of funky after a long camping trip - it's my own mess and my own funk.
Yes, I do other traveling. Staying in hotels is part of that and I make the best of it. But I'd really rather wake up in my own rolling space.
I agree (and do both)- but I'd also go's not about having your own, controlled hotel room/apartment (even though I will rant on having a heck of a snack selection IN the room at 2:00 AM in your PJs/whatever.)
It's the great variety of ADDITIONAL cool things you can do / places you can go. Awesome campgrounds right next to awesome locations, flexibility, the 'emergency house if you lose power, being sure you enjoy the journey as well as the destination, setting up in a driveway at a crowded relative's house...etc.
Are you rich vs. poor? Well, odds are a camper will COST $...I've played games with hotel prices and home cooking, etc...You can get close, but it all crashes and burns with ownership cost, need for TV (or expensive DP engine and bus tires), maintenance, insurance, etc...I think it is probably incorrect to say you are cheap.
Are you rich? I dunno: Compare camping as a hobby to OTHER types of travel...I don't know that you can say that it's more or less expensive than boat ownership, exotic travel, yada yada yada...(Of course, you have a huge range of $ you can spend on your camper...or a huge range of $ you can spend on your really washes out.