I have always found the location of the vehicle, is of more importance than my personal residence. At one time, a few years back, I had vehicles registered and tagged in 4 different states at the same time. Was not a problem except for my insurance company, they had issues with it. But I made sure that I didn't take the vehicles registered in Oklahoma to Colorado, when we lived, voted, had our daughters in school, etc. The Oklahoma vehicles were registered to our ranch address there, the other two the same as we were house poor, 4 of them, until we sold them off down to two, the one in Colorado and the one we owned here in Florida.
However, when we moved from Alaska, where we had purchased our vehicles in previous years, ( a non-sales tax state) to Colorado, a highly aggressive sales tax collecting state,) we got hit with having to pay sales tax in Colorado to the tune of just over $7,400 to tag the vehicles the first year. Also had to pay income tax on our Alaska retirement to Colorado each year we lived there. (Alaska being a non-income tax state). But that is a different issue.
I would think the OP could go ahead and establish residency in Texas, mailing address, physical address such as the Escapees Club RV Park in Texas, get Texas drivers license, etc. Then go to Florida to buy the RV and drive it back to Texas with a temp tag on it and register it in Texas. Then leave the RV in Texas. DON'T take the RV back to the Wisconsin address and park it in the drive way for any long period of time. People that I know that have gotten in trouble, with their state have been those that appear to be trying to avoid paying taxes due, where they are living. Just leave the vehicle(s) in the state where they are registered and tagged. Once the OP moves to Texas, no longer a problem and the RV can go anywhere they wish.
When we owned the ranch in Oklahoma, I would at times, when the weather was nice, ride my motorcycle over from western Colorado, where it was tagged, where we lived. I would get one of my pickups (with OK tags) out of the shop building and use it as a daily driver while in Oklahoma. Several times I got stopped for the impromptu sobriety check points run by the state police. (something I like to see done) Every time i would be asked about driving an Oklahoma tagged vehicle with a Colorado drivers license. After I would tell them that I lived in Colorado and that the truck lived in Oklahoma, they were fine with that answer and send me on my way.