atwowheelguy wrote:
Yes, Equal-i-zer says the spring arms are not interchangeable. Sell the hitch to the person who bought your camper. He needs it. Buy one with the spring arms matched to your tongue weight.
Ron3rd wrote:
Some of the bars are interchangeable. If I recall, the 12K bars are not interchangeable with the other hitch heads. Call EQ and find out. I know you can swap, say 800 lb bars with 1000 lb and vice versa. On a lot of the models the hitch head is the same and you just choose your bars.
The Equal-i-zer 4-point sway control hitch is available in five sizes - 400 / 4,000 lb, 600 / 6,000 lb, 1,000 / 10,000 lb, 1200 / 12,000 lb, and 1400 / 14,000 lb ... there is no 800 lb variant.
... and as you can see each spring bar must be used with the head for which it was designed - i.e. spring bars are
not interchangeable.