mowermech wrote:
So, now you have one U-Haul person telling you you need a 10 inch drop, and another U-Haul person saying you don't need any drop at all.
The tongue of the dolly needs to be very nearly level, no more than 3 inches high or low at the hitch, IMO.
I think you need to take the rig to the U-Haul dealer and let THEM do the measuring, then get the ball mount THEY recommend!
Remember, they don't care about your car, nor do they care about your tow vehicle. They just don't want any damage to their dolly! They WILL give you the best possible advice to see to it that their dolly is not damaged.
Don't know that they don't want any damage to their dolly but they sure as heck don't want to be sued for sending you on your way with the toungue sticking up in the air. It's unsafe and I seriously doubt they would even do it. If you need the drop you need the drop whether that be 1 in or 12.