May 13, 2014Explorer
electric question
So over the years we have experienced weak 30 amp service at some parks across the country. Usually never a big deal unless its in the summer and we are running the A.C. Last year a park in Florida we stayed at could only manage about 105 volts and I was scared to death of frying the AC. Is there anything that can be done to "boost" voltage a few volts? I originally thought about using a cheater box that plugs into the 30 and 20 amp socket and using a dogbone 50 to 30 adapter to plug my cord into. I read where these can't be used when there's a GFI so that's out. Also what would you say is the rock bottom voltage before the AC is affected? I've read on here where somebody recommended rewiring the AC so it can be plugged into its own 20amp circuit at the box but that's beyond my electricity skill level.