By the way there are 3 or 4 different brands, One both bucks over voltage and boosts low voltage but frankly I forget the brand.. ONE sells 3 differnet models, a true 30 amp, an anemic 50 amp (i think it is 40) and a true 50.. Beware the anemic one.
ONE thing you do need to know: 30 amps can become 25(or less) right fast when using an Autoformer.. here is how Transformers Watts out = Watts in - overhead and loss.. There is some small overhead in the unit. and all transformers have some loss.
So if it's boosting say 15% well since volts times current = amps, 30 times 125 = 3750 watts. That is output. But if the input is say 100, that same 3750 watts is now 37.5 amps and the 30 amp breaker won't hold.
On the site I was on last week I kept tripping the 30 amp breaker (Brand new) even with just the A/C (13.5 amp) COnverter (not known but likely in the 1-3 amp range) and Fridge (3.5 amp) no water heater, Oh, 2 lights (totalying less than 0.25 amp) and the TV's and electroincs (4 amps, down from Six back when the main TV was a CRT) That is perhaps 22-23 amps tops at 120 volt.. but it kept tripping the breaker. See math above. Hughes was boosting.
There is also another issue on that site I need to talk to them about once I confirm it. But this would not trip the breaker.