cummins2014 wrote:
Bobbo wrote:
cummins2014 wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
Lol, meter is broke.
IMO, you did you due diligence...
So in other words ,just continue with your free electricity , although you should be paying for it.
He notified them. His conscience is clear. He can't force them to fix the problem.
Sure his conscience is clear, does that change the fact he should be paying the same as the rest . Sounds like from a few of you its okay as long as he can get away with it, he did his part :h
What is he supposed to do? Stop using electricity? If he has notified the owners that the meter seems to be broken, yet the owner still doesn't do anything to fix it, it's not the OP's fault. OP isn;t "getting away with anything". He's done what he could do. If the owner is so little concerned, or so lazy to do anything, it's on the owner.