If the EMS is a Progressive Industries brand, they have a built in time delay on turn on. So, if there was a long enough power outage, maybe that started the time delay. In an RV it's sometimes hard to recognize a power failure flash because only the 120 volt devices react. I don't have experience with a power flash of a few seconds but I see the time delay every time a turn the pedestal breaker on. As stated a ground fault is only dangerous if there is a short somewhere. I would have no problem going without the EMS for a 30 amp connection upon a ground fault. However, 50 amp 240 is different deal. A ground fault there would have me worrying about the wiring integrity. A bad neutral on 50 amp can cause voltage swings enough to damage things. Note: neutral is different than ground. As stated above, using a dog bone to connect 30 amp into the 50 amp side would be good idea for most any kind of trouble with the 30 amp outlet.